Yes my friends,This is truly true!!!!
That was the worst translation I've ever made.
After few months studying English, playing football, walking around and getting cold and rain I've decided to return to my lovely home, sweet home.
This country became too dangerous for me , last week, just after Julia came to live with me, I was cycling to phoenix park to play football and some policeman cordoned off one area near my house because a 26 years old man had been murdered by shotguns, yes shotguns 2 or 3 kinds of bullets were found in his body.
If I going to be afraid for living here I'll prefer living in Brazil where at least the weather is pleasant and I know the language very well.
So I going to come back on June 21st.
I hope to see you soon.

Brasil eu to voltando.
Isso mesmo meus amigos , verdade verdadeira.
Depois de alguns messes estudando, jogando futebol, andando sem destino e pagando frio e chuva eu decidi voltar pra minha linda e confortavel casa.
Esse pais ta se tornando munto perigoso pra mim, semana passada depois da julia vir morar comigo, eu tava andando de bicicleta e tinha uma area isolada por policiais perto da minha casa, onde um cara foi assasinado por tiros de armas diferentes.
Se é pra ficar com medo prefiro ficar no brasil que tem um clima melhor e eu sou fluente na lingua (ou quase).
Então eu vou voltar dia 21 de junho.
espero ve-los logo.