I'm not used to be an early bird, but from Bratislava to Wien the train leaves at 9 am and we were in one place quite far from the station. We woke up had our breakfast packed our bags and got our way to the station.
Few minutes before the train leaves I'd hop off the train to change some money that had left, whereas as soon as I'd stepped down the train closed the doors, I was in one of the last waggon and I had to run fast as I could to hop on in the first one. I almost missed the train.
The way is beside Danube river and were a very pleasant trip, in our cabin were me, Julia and one Mr. who works as a host in cruises, he is that guy who sleeps, sorry, dance with the single ladies. As he told, he had to dance with "the good, the bad and the ugly", very interesting person, he had travelled for 70 countries in the last 7 years, he has a passenger cabin and works from 7 pm to 12:30 pm only, with 30 minutes for dinner and U$20 allowance on the bar. he didn't has space to put stamps in his passport.
We arrived at 2 pm, and got our way to the hostel we had booked on internet. It was far from the city centre and on one hill 800 metres from the metro station.
That day after checked in we went in Freud Museum, one house were he lived and wrote the most of his works in psychiatry. After there we went in the centre and saw St. Stephan Platz and his cathedral.

The next day was like children day, we had to wake up early again because the breakfast was until 9 am, imagine that, from 6 to 9 am, and the dinner was from 5 to 7;30 pm, it's a kids hostel.
In the other hand was good, we were in front of "Sisi"castle at 10 am and we had such a good time there, the castle wasn't as huge as Versailles but, for me, was more beautiful than the other. Inside the castle has one room made by lac, simply amazing. The gardens were nice too, but small for who had been in Versailles before.
After there we went on the river's beach where many girls were doing top less and many people barbecuing on the banks. I felt I was in some kind of Brazilian beaches were the poor people go to have a nice day on the beach and came back in the evening in a car full of people playing samba inside the car. But was nice to see that, because showed that even in Europe people like the same things.

the last two days, we went in another castle from Habsburg Family, these rich people, and in one building where the architect make something strange, he mixed nature and architecture, I had mixed feelings about that.
The last afternoon we went in one private swimming pool, were where for children and we spend a lot of money. Was good for refresh ourselves, that day was 32 degrees Celsius.