After 2000 Km arround Ireland I can say ...
For god sake, Is really dificult drive in the "wrong" side of the street. Ok after a while you start to get better, I could say after few days you get used to drive, but the problem is think in the side. Yes the side, the side which you have to turn in an acident, the side to change the gear, the side to look to your mirror even the side to put your hand on your girlfriend lap.
You still thinking in the normal side of the roads, the people in London walk on the rigth side of the sidewalk. But drive they still driving in the left. In the tub you have to leave the rigth side of the rolling stairs for faster people.
Although in Dublin you have to give up the right side. This is so strange.
Now I'm in krakow (poland) and I'm planing to stay here until Thu. when we leave to Budapest.
I'll give more information as soon as I get them.
For god sake, Is really dificult drive in the "wrong" side of the street. Ok after a while you start to get better, I could say after few days you get used to drive, but the problem is think in the side. Yes the side, the side which you have to turn in an acident, the side to change the gear, the side to look to your mirror even the side to put your hand on your girlfriend lap.
You still thinking in the normal side of the roads, the people in London walk on the rigth side of the sidewalk. But drive they still driving in the left. In the tub you have to leave the rigth side of the rolling stairs for faster people.
Although in Dublin you have to give up the right side. This is so strange.
Now I'm in krakow (poland) and I'm planing to stay here until Thu. when we leave to Budapest.
I'll give more information as soon as I get them.
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e cola o texto ai que vc vai ter uma ideia.
(descupe pelos acentos , computador polaco e' muito dificil de escrever)